Storytelling Workshop with Wines

Our stories create the bridges that build meaningful relationships, and how we relate builds trust, influence and ultimately success. And what better way to step towards mastery in the world of storytelling than with the help of wines.

Storytelling with Wines

We provide your team members with the skills to grow their influence and impact through stories. 

Our human stories create the bridges that build meaningful relationships, and how we relate between us builds trust, influence and ultimately success.

And what better way to step into the world of storytelling than with the help of wine!

In this fun and highly interactive experience, we explore the “Origin” story (the tales of “where it all began," and why that matters). 

We make use of our favorite grapes to explain how we can cultivate our own meaningful stories! 

Not only will you enjoy some unique new wines, but we will use the stories behind the grapes to help explain the storytelling elements we are exploring. 

By the end of the experience, team members will have the outline and structure to craft their own Origin story to begin building new bridges with colleagues. 

This is not considered a regular wine-tasting session. Like with our other wine experiences, wine is used as a communication tool. A messenger of a thought or idea rather than a drink. 

(of course, with the bonus that you get to drink the tool!)

Experience facilitated and co-hosted by Rebecca Roberts. Communication coach, storytelling consultant and speaker.

Storytelling Workshop with Wines

In this fun and highly interactive team experience, we explore the “Origin” story (the tales of “where it all began," and why that matters). 

We make use of wines to explain how we can tell our own meaningful stories.  

Not only will you enjoy some unique new wines, but we will use the stories behind the grapes to help explain the storytelling elements we are exploring. The wines give us insightful examples to help us acquire those necessary steps to create your own storytelling journey.


We price together, contact us.

Location: All of Switzerland

No. of people: from 6 until 20

Time of year: All year

Origin stories matter, because they help us and others to understand how we came to be who we are today. They give a glimpse into the future of where we might be headed or choose to. It reveals and gives insight into our motivations for what we do and how we do it.

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